Welcome back! I simply cannot believe that we are already into the fourth term. Thanks to all the parents who attended the parent teacher interviews which not only enabled us to discuss your child’s progress and achievements but also the areas that they need to work on. If you were unable to make it for any reason please contact the school office and book an appointment in the coming weeks. Athletics Carnival last Friday was enjoyed by all. They had fun participating and competing against each other. Students are also eagerly looking forward to perform on the Awards Night on 2nd December. We have been busy practising our item in class.

English: Our writing focus this term is “Narratives” and we are at the planning stage of story writing. Students created a “Story Map” for their story and we aim to publish a book with a collection of stories of Year 1 students by the end of this term.

Maths: In Math we have been looking at money. We have been practising adding together different coins and notes to ‘buy’ items. Students have been practising finding different ways of making amounts of money. For example: $2.50 could be made with a 2dollar coin and a 50c coin, or with two 1 dollar coins and a 50c coin. We have been using skip counting to help us count money.

Science: Students are learning about the different sources of sound & how it is made. Students have to complete a project on a musical instrument of their choice: research and write information about it. They also have to design and create a working model of their musical instrument. Due date for the project is 1st November. All late submissions will have marks deducted so please make sure they are handed in by the due date.

The Elective groups for this term are ‘Sewing’ and ‘Construction’. Students are enjoying the sewing club and have been practising stitches and also learnt French knitting.

Please continue to read with your child every night and sign in their reading diaries. All online homework, Reading Eggs and Mathletics should also be completed every week as it is marked on their reports.

Thanks again for your continued support in your child’s education.

Mrs Tarbinder Pandher
Year 1 Teacher